Room and Building Air Conditioning - Di&Trade Engineering Specialization

We perform both typical air conditioning tasks for offices, apartments, and suburban villas, as well as complex installation work of air conditioning systems in shopping centers, banks, car showrooms, administrative buildings, offices, social centers, medical institutions, and other socially-oriented facilities.

The choice of a specific air conditioning option depends on several factors. First and foremost, on the purpose and usage mode of the premises, the building's construction characteristics, as well as sanitary-hygienic, construction and installation, architectural, operational, and economic requirements, and possibly: central air conditioning unit, high-precision unit, multi-zone system, chiller-fancoil system.

When developing and implementing air conditioning projects for buildings with different purposes, we make efforts to reduce investment and operating expenses, using economical, compact, and efficient equipment. We also conduct technical-economic calculations, make recommendations to increase the energy efficiency of the facility as a whole, and utilize automated means.

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